lip filler

Welcome to Dr. Sonia’s expertise; the world of lip fillers. This art form is as intricate as it gets, a delicate dance of techniques that’s all about embracing your natural beauty. Lip filler? It’s like a masterful craft, aimed at harmonising and revitalising what you already have.

Get ready to experience a seamless blend of a touch of hydrating goodness, a subtle yet stunning volume boost, and a tweak to those lip contours. 

Lip Filler

Lip fillers are a remarkable non-surgical treatment designed to enhance the volume, shape, and symmetry of your lips. Under the expert guidance of Dr. Sonia, this treatment involves skillfully injecting dermal fillers into strategic points of your lips, creating a harmonised and more balanced appearance.


45 minutes


Lasting 9 – 12 months




Very minimal


Discover more about our treatments offered for fuller lips.

We initially undertake a thorough assessment of your whole face and your lips to see if it is suitable for you and explain the extent of the result that is possible. We then disinfect the area and mark out the areas for injection. We use a soft filler that integrates well with the tissue and moves naturally.

We mostly use a needle technique as we have found with experience that it gives the best results with the least issues with migration down the line. Dr. Sonia we take our time and build up the lips slowly with microdroplets of filler which are placed in very fine threads to mimic and respect the natural anatomy of the lips. As we use more needle entry points, there is a higher rate of swelling with our technique but we find we get much better and more natural-looking results once the swelling subsides.

Lip fillers can increase the size of the lips, improve proportions (for example if the top lip is much thinner than the bottom) boost hydration, improve lip texture and fix mild asymmetries. We are able to make these changes in very natural looking and subtle way. We firmly believe that the best kind of treatments should go unnoticed and this is especially important for the lips.

PAIN: Minimal


RESULTS: Immediate

Lip fillers will cause swelling for up to 3 weeks after the treatment. The amount of swelling varies from person to person. The lips will decrease in size by 20% once they have fully healed after about 3 weeks post-injection. Dr Sonia is very particular to detail and takes her time and builds up the lips slowly with microdroplets of filler which are placed in very fine threads to mimic and respect the natural anatomy of the lips.

Lip Fillers specifically target the lips, enhancing their volume, shape, and symmetry. Dr. Sonia’s expertise ensures a personalised approach, addressing your unique lip concerns and delivering natural-looking results that enhance your overall facial aesthetics.

Immediately after injection, the lips will usually be 20% bigger than the final result. For some people it will be close to the end result. You will experience some swelling after lip filler that will last for 1-3 weeks. For some people, the swelling is very mild but for some people there will be some significant swelling that is completely normal and harmless. You can attend events and resume work the same day but must follow the aftercare rules.

We only use fully reversible fillers. This is because they are safer than permanent fillers and we can dissolve them in the case of an emergency and if you are not happy with the result. This gives fillers a significant advantage over surgery as they are not permanent. You should only get fillers done if you have researched them thoroughly, feel comfortable getting the procedure done and are happy accepting the small risks and side effects which are all manageable.

If you have a history of anaphylaxis or allergy to wasp stings, fillers may not be suitable for you. This is because you are likely to be allergic to the filler dissolving enzyme (Hyaluronidase). We always have to ensure we are able to dissolve the filler in an emergency.

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A private clinic situated within Walton-on-Thames


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